Calling in a Work Order
Monday - Friday Call Main Office Leave message if Necessary
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 276-431-2022
After Hours Call: 276-220-2860 Also, call Main Office 276-431-2022 and leave message. Your call will
EMERGENCY ONLY! not be returned until the next business day.
In case of an emergency involving a fire, accident/injury CALL 911
Smoke Detector Beeping is ALWAYS an Emergency Work Order!
It is not necessary for you to be present. Should you wish to be present when the work is done, you must advise Maintenance of this at the time you place your initial work order.
Maintenance Tips:
Mowing on Public Housing Sites
Things to Remember
Keep children inside while mowing is in progress
Pick up any toys/bicycles/tools/trash out of yards
Weed eating will take place after mowing site is completed
Trash Collection for Public Housing Sites
Place trash in bags and place inside the dumpsters