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Empowering Scott County Residents
Through Housing Assistance
A message from the
Executive Director
Welcome to the Scott County Redevelopment & Housing Authority (SCRHA) website. Our goal is to assist very low to moderate income families, the elderly and persons with disabilities to help them find safe, decent & sanitary housing. We act as advocates for residents; and serve the needs of those who live here as we encourage individuals to maximize their independence.
The SCRHA is literally community serving community. Overseeing 111 units of affordable public housing and providing 197 section 8 housing choice vouchers SCRHA employees have built a reputation for providing all residents with the highest standard of housing. We are proud of the achievements of excellence, professionalism, performance and response our staff demonstrates daily while serving Scott County.
It is my honor to assist the residents of this community and also for you to take the time to view our website.
Sue Smith
Executive Director
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